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DC Councilmember Trayon White returning to office Monday as Council begins investigation

The ad hoc committee Council Chair Phil Mendelson appointed to investigate White meets for the first time on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON — The future of DC Ward 8 councilmember Trayon White remains uncertain as of Monday morning.

In August, D.C. council member White was arrested by the FBI in Southeast. White is accused of taking up to $156,000 in bribes with the promise of further kickbacks. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in prison and will lose his seat on the council.

On Thursday, White pleaded not guilty to bribery and says he will continue his run for re-election. White also said he will be back in his office on Monday, when the D.C. Council returns from recess.

The Council is expected to vote this week on whether or not to remove White from his role as the chair of the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs. There is a related "rules change" agenda item scheduled for Tuesday as well.

Tuesday will be the first time the Council will convene all together, including Councilmember White.

Before said meeting, the ad hoc committee that Council Chair Phil Mendelson assembled in August to investigate White will meet for the first time Tuesday at 9 a.m. to discuss "the investigative scope and strategy with outside counsel for the matters related to Councilmember Trayon White."

Councilmember Mendelson wrote in a memo that the committee includes all councilmembers except Trayon White, and they will have until December 16 to file their report.

Residents tell WUSA9, they feel discouraged, saying, regardless of the outcome, It will impact their decision to vote.

"His position is one of the ones I vote for all the time, [but now] I’m in between – 50/50 I’m not sure if I will or will not," Ward 8 neighbor Keith Jenkins said.

RELATED: DC Councilmember Trayon White pleads not guilty to bribery, will run for re-election

RELATED: Indictment gives more details in accusations against DC Councilmember Trayon White

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