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DC Councilmember Trayon White pleads not guilty to bribery, will run for re-election

White is accused of using his position to pressure government agencies to renew lucrative public safety contracts in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars

WASHINGTON — A D.C. Councilmember charged in a bribery scheme pleaded not guilty in federal court Thursday. 

Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White was arrested in August and is accused of using his position to pressure government agencies to renew lucrative public safety contracts in exchange for cash and the promise of further kickbacks.

The allegations against White include accepting cash payments and negotiating future kickbacks with a confidential human source (CHS) who had a corrupt relationship with him dating back to 2019. The CHS, who has already pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit bank fraud, claims that White facilitated the renewal of contracts worth over $5 million between the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) and the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS). These contracts were reportedly connected to companies owned by the CHS.

According to charging documents, White is alleged to have accepted at least $35,000 in cash during several meetings between June and July. He is also accused of negotiating a 3% kickback on contract renewals and expecting to receive up to $156,000 from the scheme. White allegedly discussed future contracts in the mental health and housing sectors as part of the scheme.

"God is good, God is good," White said as he was being escorted out of the federal court by supporters. He has not publicly made comments about the accusation that he faces. 

The U.S. Attorney’s office offered White a plea deal on Aug. 22, which he declined on Sept. 6. Defense lawyer Frederick Cooke declined to provide details about the plea deal. White’s defense team has waived his right to a speedy trial. A status hearing to determine a trial date is scheduled for Nov. 13. The U.S. Attorney’s office is pushing for a trial in April, while the defense argues they need additional time to review the evidence against White.

"We believe in our councilmember" Ward 8 resident Jauhar Abraham told reporters outside of the court. He was one of dozens of supporters who packed the federal courtroom. "The FBI sent an informant, someone that was working for them to set the councilmember up, to try to set him up." 

Despite the serious nature of the charges, White remains steadfast in his campaign for re-election. Campaign manager Fria Moore confirmed that White will continue his bid for a third term. 

"Trayon White's name is on the ballot," Moore told WUSA9. "We will continue to be in the community as always, continue to further his work. We should not let this divide us. The organizations do a lot of good work over in Ward 8 and the people are going to need their councilmember to continue to show up and do the work. And that's why he is continuing his run, and we are going to be out there campaigning. We'll see you out there Ward 8, make sure you get out and vote." 

As the legal proceedings unfold, however, White’s political future is uncertain. If convicted, he faces 15 years in prison and the loss of his council seat.

White says he will be back in his office on Monday when the DC Council is scheduled to return from recess. On that same day, Chairman Phil Mendelson said he plans to remove White from his role as the chair of the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs.

RELATED: Indictment gives more details in accusations against DC Councilmember Trayon White

RELATED: 'It’s a little disheartening ' | Local activist reacts to Councilman Trayon White's post accusing him of working with the FBI

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