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Community meets with mayor, police as search continues for Mamta Kafle Bhatt

Mamta Kafle Bhatt, 28, has not been seen since July 31, according to police.

MANASSAS PARK, Va. — We are approaching three weeks since anyone saw Mamta Kafle Bhatt.

Manassas Park Police say the 28-year-old mother is considered to be missing under "involuntary circumstance" after she disappeared on July 31.

There continue to be questions about when Bhatt was last seen or heard from, with conflicting information shared by different friends and family members.

The latest update from Manassas Park Police came on Thursday, August 15. They wrote in a post on social media that they have requested assistance from Virginia State Police and all other U.S. Police agencies to assist in the search for Bhatt. 

They also shared this timeline:

  • July 27: Bhatt was last seen at UVA Health Health Prince William Medical Center 
  • July 28: Bhatt spoke to a friend
  • July 31: Bhatt is last seen by her husband

Other than that update, the police department hasn't shared much info about the investigation with WUSA9 or the community.

RELATED: 'I believe in miracles' | Efforts to find Mamta Kafle Bhatt continue

"It's taking too long. Why are they not being proactive? Why are they not searching? A lot of people are angry with her husband too," said Madan Uprety, the President of the Nepali American Community Center. 

He told WUSA9 Monday afternoon that these are the things he's hearing from the community.

On Sunday, he and several others who've led many of the search efforts were invited to a meeting with the Manassas Park Mayor, Police Chief, and several other officials.

"We went in with a healthy level of skepticism," said Holly Wirth, a community advocate.

"We went in kind of furious, a little bit confused," added Bina Khadkalama, who has also been helping with search efforts.

They told WUSA9 that the Manassas Park Police chief explained that they are investigating every lead and tip that they receive, but that they can't disclose much about the investigation because it could jeopardize the care.

"We did ask, are you going to announce this as a cold case and they said 'no, absolutely not'. They said they will do whatever it takes, for however long it takes to find out one way or another. That was another concern from the community because it has been so many days, so how much longer are they going to do this? We do not want it to stop. So we're very glad that they said that as well," said Khadkalama.

The group, who spoke with WUSA9 Monday afternoon, said they felt better after leaving the meeting.

"We did establish a line of communication. We talk to them every day and we have a person appointed from the community to talk to them," said Uprety.

He told WUSA9 they hope to hold another meeting with the Mayor, Chief, and others later this week.

Up to this point, community members have rallied outside the police department asking for answers.  Some have also organized searches on their own. 

"I'm still hopeful. I still believe in miracles," said Nadia Navarro, a friend of Bhatt.

But still, nearly three weeks later, Bhatt is nowhere to be found.

Police say her husband, Naresh Bhatt, is the last person who reported seeing her.  He told WUSA9 they ate dinner together the night of July 31.

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The Manassas Park Police Chief did not respond to requests for comment Monday afternoon.

The Manassas Park Mayor responded to WUSA9's request for an on-camera interview Monday afternoon, with the following statement via text message: 

"The Manassas Park Police Department is doing everything it can to locate Mamta Kafle Bhatt. I have the complete confidence in our Police Department and in Chief Lugo. We are all heartbroken that she is missing. Also, we are not engaging in speculation or guesswork of any kind. We are giving space and time to our PD for proper police procedure to play out. If there are any updates or new information that can be released to the public concerning this search, they will be shared immediately. This strict process honors Mamta. In any investigation, there are details not shared because that could compromise the investigation. I can assure you that this will not be allowed to happen in this investigation.

We are praying for Mamta, the family and community.

Thank you for your concern, Jeanette Rishell”

Manassas Park Police is asking anyone with information to contact them at (703) 361-1136.  

>Watch WUSA's full interview with Naresh Bhatt below:

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