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NPS wants your help designing the Fallen Journalists Memorial

Whether you’re a journalist, a lover of public art, or simply a fan of truth and transparency, this is your chance to leave your mark.

WASHINGTON — Attention, all champions of truth, freedom, and the press. 

The National Park Service (NPS) is calling on you to share your thoughts and help shape a lasting tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives in pursuit of journalism. We're talking about the Fallen Journalists Memorial, a future landmark in D.C. that will honor the courage and sacrifice of journalists everywhere.

What's the memorial all about?

In cooperation with the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation, the NPS is designing a powerful monument to journalists who gave their lives while chasing stories that needed to be told. The current vision for the memorial includes transparent, solid glass elements arranged to symbolize the chaotic, seemingly unrelated pieces of information that journalists gather every day, forming a clear story over time. These glass features will form a circular Remembrance Hall, centered around a First Amendment-inscribed glass lens. At night, the glowing glass elements will light up the sky, all while offering a stunning view of the Capitol dome.

Credit: NPS

But here's where you come in. The NPS wants your ideas on how to bring this vision to life. Whether you have thoughts on the glass elements, the overall design, or something completely unique, now is your chance to speak up and be part of something monumental.

How to get involved

Want to share your input? Here's how.

  1. Virtual meeting: Join a virtual public meeting on October 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., where NPS and the Foundation will present the design concept. Ask questions, share your thoughts, and contribute to the dialogue. If you'd like to attend, simply click here or dial (877) 286-5733 and use conference ID 932372425# (audio only).

  2. Submit comments: Don’t have time for a meeting? You can still share your thoughts by submitting comments online through the official NPS planning page. You’ll need to hit the "Comment Now" button under the "Fallen Journalists Memorial- Public Scoping Design Concept" folder. 

  3. Mail: If you prefer, you can send your comments via U.S. mail to:

    Laurel Hammig
    National Park Service
    1100 Ohio Drive, SW
    Washington, DC 20242
    ATTN: Fallen Journalists Memorial EA

    Just make sure your letter is postmarked by October 30. 


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