WASHINGTON — 10 years ago today, Snowpocalypse struck the DMV, blanketing the entire area in roughly a foot and a half of snowfall.
The record December 2009 snow event is DC’s only Top Ten snowstorm that occurred in December. A total of 16.4” was official observed at National Airport and 18” at Dulles Airport. Weather records in the Nation’s Capital date back to the 1870s.
National’s “official” snow total was low compared to nearby areas such as Alexandria, VA or the National Mall. 21” occurred in Northwest with higher amounts north, east, west and south of us and of National Airport.
We tried to keep you one step ahead of the storm. On the Thursday before the storm we said that it was somewhere between “big” and “historic” and leaning toward “historic.
After any blizzard we get worried about flooding but we were very fortunate all last winter as each storm melted slowly and without any heavy rain. Little did we know what still awaited us in February 2010!