Thanksgiving Day was very cold with afternoon temps in the 30s. The cold lasts for 1 more day.
Check this article and the local forecast for updates through the week.
Coldest Thanksgiving In Years
It was the coldest Thanksgiving Day across the Mid-Atlantic since 2013. Technically -- our high temps were right after midnight, so the statistics are as such. Our "high" temp for DC was 42°. Temps dropped down to 31° in the morning and never managed to rebound above 36° in the afternoon.
Perspective: How Cold Versus The Past?
The last Thanksgiving that DC's high temp was only 40° was on November 28, 2013. The last Thanksgiving in DC with highs in the 30s was 18 years ago on November 23, 2000 - when the temp only reached 38°! This graphic shows our high temps the last 13 years. App Users Click Here.
Indoors Impacts: Low Humidity, Static
Your heaters may help keep the house warm during this cold snap, but they'll also cause one change that you'll need to adjust to for this winter. The dry air outside has very little moisture in it. When that dry air enters your house through your heating system, your house turns warm but it turns much drier. This is the reason why you'll end up with dry skin and cracked lips in winter. This dry air is also the reason why you may notice getting shocked by static electricity. Your body is able to hold more of a charge with lower humidity.
Need a quick fix? You need to add moisture in your house! Use a humidifier to fix this problem. Or if you don't have one, just add bowls of water to each room.
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