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Heat can impact your brain. Here's how.

The brain can perceive heat as stress.

WASHINGTON — Feeling a little hot around the collar? When it's hot outside, it turns out it's not all in our heads. There's a large body of research showing just how much heat can impact our brain. The National Institutes of Health has numerous studies showing that heat stress can make us feel irritated, impact our thinking, even our sleep. 

Let's talk about a few ways this can happen. One reason is because heat can cause a neurotransmitter imbalance in the brain. 

We all have neurotransmitters and according to the Cleveland Clinic we can't live without them. These chemical messengers send signals to target cells and help control everything from emotions, moving our arms and legs, to keeping our hearts beating. 

When our brains are exposed to too much heat, a Baylor College of Medicine expert noted that the balance of neurotransmitters can be thrown off. As a result, you may feel a tad grouchy or not as cheerful. 

We all have what's called a parasympathetic nervous system. This helps our brain to calm down and relax when we're in a stressful situation. Basically it says, "Hey brain, take it easy!" The brain can perceive heat as stress. In a study in the journal Wiley, researchers found that the parasympathetic nervous system was less active when people were exposed to unusual heat. The study also found that blood oxygen levels were lower, which could also explain why we may not think as clearly in the heat. 

Countless studies detail the ways heat interferes with cognitive function and performing tasks. A Harvard study of college student in hot dorms found that students scored lower on tests. These tests only required simple addition and subtraction.  

In the workplace, research published by a branch of the U.S. Department of Energy, found that productivity was highest when indoor temperatures were at 72 degrees, and as temperatures hot warmer, people weren't as productive. 

So what can you do, stay cool and hydrated. If you're in a situation where you don't have air conditioning, try to relocate to a cooler spot to get a break from the heat. 

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