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You could pay more often to park at Metro

Metro is already charging more to parking at its stations. Now it wants you to pay more often.

A WMATA board committee just advanced six parking pilot programs designed to use blacktop to get Metro out of the red.

“We have to turn every stone,” said Malcolm Augustine who represents Prince George’s County on Metro’s Board. “This is an asset we have and we are in a very difficult financial times.”

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The trial identifies several ways—such as beginning pay parking earlier on weekdays and ending free parking on Saturdays—to total $8 million dollars of new revenue for Metro. The agency is facing a $300 million budget gap.

“We already pay enough on the weekdays,” said rider named Yvonne. She did not want to give her last name. “I think they’re already losing riders because of all the breakdowns.”

That’s a delicate balance, said Augustine—and the point of the trial. It could get final approval later this month.

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