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VERIFY: Viral warning playing video games caused ruptured blood vessels legit?

After talking to experts, we verified playing mobile games alone is not likely to cause blood vessels to burst.


Can playing mobile, video games cause blood vessels to burst?


Experts saying the social media warning is not likely to happen.


American Optometric Association, Johns Hopkins Hospital Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology


We know video games can be addicting but one social media post claims too much playing caused a guy's blood vessels to rupture. So can this really happen?

Experts from the American Optometric Association state that prolonged use on a digital device, can lead to symptoms like headaches, eye strain, blurred vision and dry eyes but ruptured blood vessels is not one of them.

Dr. Shameema Sikder, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins Hospital told WUSA9 researchers,"In general, screen time does require us to be cognizant of the fact that eyes can become dry which can cause blurring of the vision more commonly and rarely can cause the situation where blood vessel may break on the surface of the eye."

Also, an ophthalmologist took to Twitter to weigh in on the viral image, noting the nasal oxygen tube indicates the person most likely sustained other respiratory issues that wouldn't solely be caused by playing a video game.

After talking to experts, we verified playing mobile games alone is not likely to cause blood vessels to burst.


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