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So, what did Ted Cruz eat off his lip during the GOP debate?

Ted Cruz inadvertently took the internet by storm during Thursday night's Fox News GOP debate, when he appeared to eat a small object off of his lip.

<p>Donald Trump and Ted Cruz during Thursday's GOP debate</p>

Ted Cruz inadvertently took the internet by storm during Thursday night’s Fox News GOP debate, when he appeared to eat a small object off of his lip.

The Texas senator was talking about Donald Trump supporters about 25 minutes into the 8 p.m. debate, when the mysterious white object first appeared on his top lip. In the high-drama television that ensued, it was passed back and forth between his upper and lower lip for the next few moments.

Just after mentioning Trump supporters being “angry at Washington” and his rival candidate’s “angry rhetoric,” Cruz closed his lips around the crumb.

A well-timed rhetorical pause followed as the particle embarked on the digestive journey.



As it tends to do, the internet exploded with speculation that the presidential hopeful, who locked up a key Super Tuesday win in his home state, had just eaten a “booger” off his lip on national television.

Don’t believe it? Search “Ted Cruz booger” on Twitter and take a look.

No, Linda. No, you clearly aren't.

For the record, from my point of view, the crumb looked like it came from Cruz's mouth. It doesn't mean it's any less gross (or funny), but we can hold out hope he didn't actually consume a booger on national television.

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