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DC General Election Voter Guide 2016

Poll hours in DC are 7am until 8pm.

Credit: WUSA9 file
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WASHINGTON (WUSA*9)--November 8 is General Election day in the District of Columbia. Poll hours on November 8 are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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Here is a summary of the candidates and questions on the DC ballot:

President of the United States

District of Columbia

Vote 1

1. Gary Johnson (Libertarian)

Johnson served as the 29th Governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003 as a member of the Republican Party. He was also the Libertarian Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election.

Johnson founded one of New Mexico's largest construction companies.

2. Jill Stein (Green Party)

Stein is a medical doctor. She was also the Green Party's presidential nominee in 2012. She ran for Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and 2010.

3. Donald Trump (Republican)

Trump is a real estate developer from New York. In 2004 he began starring in the television reality series, The Apprentice. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania.

4. Hillary Clinton (Democratic)

Clinton served as Secretary of State in the Obama administration (2009-2013) after running against Barack Obama for president in 2008. She is a former U.S. Senator from New York (2001-2009), First Lady of the United States (1993-2001), First Lady of Arkansas (1983-1992), and is an attorney and former law professor.

DC Delegate

Vote 1

1. Natale Stracuzzi (Statehood Green)

A business man and former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives.

2. Eleanor Holmes Norton (Democratic/Incumbent)

Norton is the incumbent and is running for her 14th term. She has held this office since 1991. She is the Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. She serves on two committees: the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Before her congressional service, President Jimmy Carter appointed her to serve as the first woman to chair the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

3. Martin Moulton (Libertarian)

Moulton is an education advocate who lives in the Shaw neighborhood. He works in the tech sector. A life long cyclist/non-driver, he serves on the board of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.

DC Council: At-Large

Vote 2

1. Matthew Klokel (Libertarian)

He is the owner and CEO of Fantom Comics. He previously worked as a research asssistant and development coordinator for the CATO Institute.

2. John C. Cheeks (Independent)

He is a Ward 5 resident who has worked as a manufacturing and industrial consultant.

3. G. Lee Aikin (Statehood Green)

She is a semi-retired social and political activist. She has worked for a Congressman and a member of the DC Board of Education. She has degrees in general science, Spanish and Education.

4. Carolina Celnik (Republican)

She works for a law firm where she assists the government regulatory practice. She has a BA in economics from American Univeristy. She tutors ESL students and teaches computer literacy.

5. David Grosso (Independent/ incumbent)

Grosso has served on the council since 2013. He serves on the following committees: Education (chair), Finance and Revenue, Health and Human Services. Previously he worked with then Ward 6 Councilmember Sharon Ambrose and also served as chief counsel to Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (2007-2008).

6. Robert White (Democratic/ incumbent)

White was appointed to the At-Large seat in September by the DC Democratic Party after Vincent Orange resigned in August with 5 months left in his term. Orange was defeated by White in the June Democratic primary. White is a lawyer and former community outreach director for the DC attorney general.

DC Council: Ward 2

Vote 1

1. Jack Evans (Democratic/incumbent)

Evans is the incumbent. He has been on the council since 1991. He is the chair of the Committee on Finance and Revenue.

DC Council: Ward 4

Vote 1

1. Brandon Todd (Democratic/incumbent)

Todd is the incumbent. He has served since 2015. He is seeking a full 4-year-term after having won the special election to fill out the council term left open after Muriel Bowser's election as mayor. .He served as director of constituent services for then Ward 4 council member Bowser. As a council member, Todd sits on the Committees on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs; Education; and Transportation and the Environment.

DC Council: Ward 7

Vote 1

1. Gary Butler (Independent)

Butler is a former Ward 7 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner. Butler switched his party affiliation form Democrat to independent in March to run for this office. He is a native Washingtonian and is a real-estate broker.

2. Christian Carter (Independent)

Carter runs a government staffing business in the District.

3. Vincent Gray (Democratic)

Gray defeated Yvette Alexander for the democratic nomination in the June primary. Alexander held this seat for 2 terms before Gray defeated her in the primary. Gray, the former DC Mayor (2011 – 2014), is now going after his old Ward 7 council seat, which he held before becoming Mayor. Gray lost the democratic mayoral nomination in 2014 after allegations of secret funding and a "shadow campaign" during his first mayoral run. Gray was never charged with any crime.

A native Washingtonian, Gray started his career with The ARC of DC (Association of Retarded Citizens). He then served as Director of the DC Department of Human Services. He also was Executive Director of Covenant House, a non-profit serving the homeless and at-risk youth. Gray

DC Council: Ward 8

Vote 1

1. Trayon White (Democratic)

LaRuby May currently holds this office (2015-present). She lost to White in the June primary.

White does a lot of work in Ward 8 focusing on youth. He launched Helping Inner City Kids Succeed, Inc. (HICKS) and Manpower DC to help youth and young men in Ward 8. He served as the Ward 8 school board representative from 2011 – 2012. White is also a former member of Attorney General Karl Racine's staff.

DC Shadow Representative

Vote 1

1. Franklin Garcia (Democratic/incumbent)

Garcia was first elected as a shadow representative for the District in 2014. He is the former President and founder of the DC Latino Caucus and current President of the non-profit DC Latino Leadership Council.

The holder of this office promotes the District's efforts to gain full voting rights. The holder of this office is not recognized by the U.S. government as an actual member of the House of Representatives.

DC State Board of Education: At-Large

Vote 1

1. Mary Lord (incumbent)

Lord has served on the State Board of Education since 2007. She was elected to the At-Large seat in 2012 after representing Ward 2 for four years, and Wards 1 and 2 for 16-months before that. She is a journalist and longtime Dupont Circle resident. She also serves as President of the National Association of the State Boards of Education.

2. Tony Donaldson, Jr.

Donaldson is a native Washingtonian. A Howard University Middle School of Mathematics and Science Alumn, and a recent graduate of the Duke Ellington School of the Arts (Theatre - Class of 2015). He is currently a freshman at Howard University majoring in Theatre Arts Administration and minoring in Political Science.

3. Ashley Carter

Carter is the Director of a national nonprofit whose mission is is to help improve the lives of women and families. She is an education advocate and literacy volunteer. She was a founding volunteer for a reading program at DC General. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park. She also holds a law degree.

DC State Board of Education: Ward 2

Vote 1

1. Jack Jacobson (incumbent)

Jacobson was was first elected in 2012 to the State Board of Education following five years of service on the Dupont Circle Advisory Neighborhood Commission

DC State Board of Education: Ward 4

Vote 1

1. Lannette Woodruff

As a Shepherd Elementary parent and PTA member, Woodruff served on the Local School Advisory Team and helped to implement their international baccalaureate (IB) program. More recently, Woodruff implemented a volunteer tutoring program for Banneker High School students at E.L Haynes Middle School. Before that, she taught in the Urban Education program at UDC and ran the Howard University Early Learning Program for pre-K and kindergarten students. She earned a Ph.D. in educational psychology from Howard University in 2000.

DC State Board of Education: Ward 7

Vote 1

1. Dorothy Douglas

Douglas was a teacher in the District of Columbia Public Schools System, a former employee of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections, and former Director of the Deanwood Youth Services.

2. Marla M. Dean

Dean has 25 years of education experience in Michigan, Virginia and Maryland. She is currently the Executive Director of Schools at Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools in DC. She taught high school English and social studies for 10 years in the Detroit Public Schools. She was an assistant principal in Michigan and Montgomery County, Maryland; executive associate principal at TC Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia; turnaround principal in Prince George's County, Maryland and high school principal in Baltimore County, Maryland.

3. Karen Williams (incumbent)

Williams is the incumbent and began her first term as the Ward 7 representative to the State Board in 2013. She is the director of an early childhood education center in Ward 7.

DC State Board of Education: Ward 8

Vote 1

1. Tierra Jolly (incumbent)

Jolly was elected to the State Board of Education in July 2014 in a special election. She is currently a faculty member at her alma mater, Bishop McNamara High School-where she teaches freshman government and AP U.S. History. Previously she taught civics, economics, US History and remedial social studies at Sarah T. Reed High School in New Orleans, Louisiana, and seventh grade ancient history at Kramer Middle School DC.

2. Markus Batchelor

Batchelor is a Ward 8 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner. He currently serves Mayor Muriel Bowser as a Outreach and Services Specialist for Ward 8 in the Office of Community Affairs. He is a graduate of the Thurgood Marshall Academy Public Charter High School and has attended George Washington University. Batchelor was a youth mayor for the Mayor's Youth Leadership Institute in 2009.

3. Shakira Hemphill

Hemphill has 13-years of experience in program/project management and policy in Human Services and Education. She is currently the Director of SSST and Interventions at the Friendship Public Charter School. Previous this she was the deputy director of the Office of Extended Learning Programs at Friendship, as well as the Curriculum Coordinator and English Language Arts Techer at Friendship. She was also Deputy Director at the Center for Youth and Family Investment.


Vote 1

1. Yes

2. No

To ask the voters on November 8, 2016, through an advisory referendum, whether the Council should petition Congress to enact a statehood admission act to admit the State of New Columbia to the Union. Advising the Council to approve this proposal would establish that the citizens of the District of Columbia (“District”)

(1) agree that the District should be admitted to the Union as the State of New Columbia;

(2) approve of a Constitution of the State of New Columbia to be adopted by the Council;

(3) approve the State of New Columbia’s boundaries, as adopted by the New Columbia Statehood Commission on June 28, 2016; and

(4) agree that the State of New Columbia shall guarantee an elected representative form of government. Shall the voters of the District of Columbia advise the Council to approve or reject this proposal?

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