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Virginia Elections: What you need, voter rights and accessibility accommodations

Election Day is Nov. 8 and polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.

WASHINGTON — Editor's Note: The video above was published on October 17, 2022.

Election Day is quickly approaching, and we wanted to give you the rundown of what you can expect as you approach the polls.

First things first, before going to vote, you should know exactly where your polling place is. Your polling place depends on the district you live in. Click here to find out your polling place. However, if you are voting early, click here to find your local early voting location.

Who is running and what seats are up for grabs?

In Virginia, there are 11 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives that are up for election. In addition, there are other local elections happening throughout the state. The Virginia Department of Elections has published a list of who is on the ballot; click here for more information.

What can you bring to the polls?

According to the Virginia Department of Elections website, you must bring a valid form of identification to the poll. A valid ID consists of the following:

  • Virginia Driver’s License
  • Virginia DMV-issued ID card
  • Valid employee ID card (containing a photo, issued by the voter’s employer in the ordinary course of business, can be a public or private employer)
  • U.S. Military ID
  • Valid student ID that includes a photo issued by a public or private school of higher education in the U.S.
  • Valid student ID issued by a public or private school in Virginia
  • Valid U.S. passport or passport card
  • Government-issued ID card from a federal, Virginia, or local political subdivision
  • Voter ID card issued by the Department of Elections
  • Voter confirmation documents
  • Valid tribal enrollment or other tribal ID
  • Nursing home resident ID
  • Current utility bill, bank statement, government check, or paycheck containing the name and address of the voter
  • Any current government document containing the name and address of the voter
  • Signed ID Confirmation Statement

Voter Rights:

Next, let’s brush up on some fast facts about voting rights. As a voter, going into the polling place can be overwhelming for some, especially for those who are new to placing a ballot.

Did you know if you need assistance with reading or completing your ballot you can have assistance? According to the Virginia Department of Elections, those in need of assistance can receive help from an election officer or a trusted person you bring. However, there are some limitations. For example, your employer and union representative are not allowed to help. The person helping cannot attempt to influence your vote or tell and signal how you voted.

Lines on Election Day can get long, so be aware that you can still vote if you are in line by the time polls close. In Virginia, polls close at 7 p.m. Additionally, children 15 years old and younger are allowed in voting booths with their parents/guardians.

If you wish to change your vote before casting your ballot, you can ask for a new ballot. To learn more about your rights as a voter in Virginia, click here.

Accessibility Accommodations:

Those in need of accessibility accommodations to vote have options. Those who are print-disabled, as described by the Virginia Department of Elections, can request an electronic absentee ballot to mark their ballot with an electronic ballot-marking tool. Those using this method will have their ballot delivered by email and can apply for this service on their absentee ballot application under section 7c.

Polling places will also have accessible voting options as well. According to the Virginia Department of Elections, there will be at least one voting machine available to those with disabilities. The Virginia Department of Elections website also says voters can also expect the following:

  • Accessible parking spaces
  • Curbside voting
  • Signs showing an accessible entrance and route to voting
  • Accessible voting booth with chair
  • Seating available for voters waiting to vote
  • Sufficient space for voters in wheelchairs
  • Notepads for communication purposes
  • Magnifiers for election materials and the ballot

WATCH NEXT: Primary Elections 2022 - D.C. & Virginia Decide LIVE

In addition to all 11 U.S. congressional seats, voters will make their choices for county boards, school boards, mayors, town council seats, and a host of bond questions.

If you are returning your ballot by mail, the Virginia State Board of Elections website says it must be postmarked on or before November 8th and “received by your general registrar’s office by noon on the third day following the election.”

Here are some helpful links for voters before you head out to the polls:

Below is a list of candidates and links to their campaign websites with positions on issues:

U.S. Congress: District 1

Vote 1

Herbert C. "Herb" Jones, Jr. (D)
Website: https://herbjonesforvirginia.com/

David Bruce Foster (I)
Website: https://www.davidfosterforcongress.com/

Rob J. Wittman (R-incumbent)
Website: https://robwittman.com/

U.S. Congress: District 2

Vote 1

Elaine G. Luria (D-incumbent)
Website: https://elaineforcongress.com/

Jen A. Kiggans (R)
Website: https://jenforcongress.com/

U.S. Congress: District 3

Vote 1

Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-incumbent)
Website: https://www.bobbyscottforcongress.com/

Terry T. Namkung (R)
Website: https://namkungforvirginia.com/

U.S. Congress: District 4

Vote 1

A. Donald McEachin (D-incumbent)
Website: https://donaldmceachin.com/

Leon Benjamin, Sr. (R)
Website: https://benjamin4congress.com/

U.S. Congress: District 5

Vote 1

Joshua M. Throneburg (D)
Website: https://joshforvirginia.com/

Robert G. "Bob" Good (R-incumbent)
Website: https://good.house.gov/

U.S. Congress: District 6

Vote 1

Jennifer Lynn Lewis (D)
Website: https://www.friendsofjenniferlewis.com/

Ben L. Cline (R-incumbent)
Website: https://bencline.com/

U.S. Congress: District 7

Vote 1

Abigail A. Spanberger (D-incumbent)
Website: https://abigailspanberger.com/

Yesli I. Vega (R)
Website: https://yeslivega.com/

U.S. Congress: District 8

Vote 1

Donald S. Beyer, Jr. (D-incumbent)
Website: https://friendsofdonbeyer.com/

Teddy Fikre (I)
Website: https://fikre4va.com/

Karina A. Lipsman (R)
Website: https://www.karinaforcongress.com/

U.S. Congress: District 9

Vote 1

Taysha Lee DeVaughan (D)
Website: https://www.devaughanforcongress.com/

H. Morgan Griffith (R-incumbent)
Website: https://www.morgangriffithforcongress.com/

U.S. Congress: District 10

Vote 1

Jennifer T. Wexton (D-incumbent)
Website: https://jenniferwexton.com/

Hung Cao (R)
Website: https://www.hungcaoforcongress.com/

U.S. Congress: District 11

Vote 1

Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly (D-incumbent)
Website: https://gerryconnolly.com/

James G. "Jim" Myles (R)
Website: https://mylesforcongress.com/

Arlington County Board

Vote 1

Matthew D. "Matt" de Ferranti
Website: https://mattforarlington.com/

Adam Theo
Website: https://www.theoforarlington.org/

Audrey R. Clement
Website: https://audreyclement.com/

Arlington County School Board

Vote 1

Bethany Z. Sutton
Website: https://www.bethany4aps.org/

James Vell Rives, IV
Website: https://www.rivesforsb.com/

Arlington County Transportation Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum principal amount of $52,630,000 to finance, together with other available funds, the cost of various capital projects for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) and other transit, pedestrian, road or transportation projects?

Arlington County Parks & Rec Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum principal amount of $22,460,000 to finance, together with other available funds, the cost of various capital projects for local parks & recreation?

Arlington County Infrastructure Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum principal amount of $53,300,000 to finance, together with other available funds, the cost of various capital projects, including but not limited to facilities maintenance capital, facilities design and construction, the Arlington Neighborhoods Program, and other County infrastructure?

Arlington County School Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum principal amount of $165,010,000 to finance, together with other available funds, the cost of various capital projects for Arlington Public Schools?

Arlington County Storm Water Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum principal amount of $39,760,000 to finance, together with other available funds, the cost of various capital projects for the County Stormwater Program?

Arlington County Utility Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum amount of $177,360,000 to finance, together with other available funds, the cost of designing, expanding, improving, and renovating Arlington County's Water Pollution Control Plant and the water and sewer systems serving the County?

Clarke County Russell School Board

Vote 1

Andrew J. MacDonald
Website: n/a

Leigh Cheatham Carley
Website: n/a

Culpeper County Town Council

Vote 2

Brian H. Brumfield-Horner
Website: n/a

Erick M. Kalenga
Website: n/a

Pranas A. Rimeikis
Website: n/a

Fairfax City Mayor

Vote 1

Catherine S. Read
Website: https://www.read4fairfaxmayor.com/

Sang Yi
Website: https://sangyiforfairfax.com/

Fairfax City Council

Vote 6

Anahita N. "Ana" Renner
Website: https://www.anaforfairfax.com/

Billy M. Bates
Website: https://www.batesforfairfax.com/

Craig Salewski
Website: https://www.craigsalewskiforcitycouncil.com/

D.T. "Tom" Ross
Website: https://www.rossforcitycouncil.com/

Jeffrey C. Greenfield
Website: https://jeffgreenfield.org/

Jon R. Stehle, Jr.
Website: https://www.jonstehle.com/

Joseph D. Harmon
Website: https://josephharmon.com/

Kate G. Doyle Feingold
Website: https://kateforfairfaxcity.com/

So P. Lim
Website: https://solim4citycouncil.com/

Fairfax City School Board

Vote 5

Amit S. Hickman
Website: n/a

Carolyn S. Pitches
Website: n/a

Rachel McQuillen
Website: n/a

Sarah Kelsey
Website: https://twitter.com/kelseyforkids?lang=en

Stacy R. Hall
Website: n/a

Fairfax County Herndon Mayor

Vote 1

Sheila A. Olem
Website: https://sheilaolem.com/

Jasbinder Singh
Website: n/a

Sean M. Regan
Website: n/a

Fairfax County Herndon Town Council

Vote 6

Cesar A Del Aguila
Website: https://www.cesardelag.org/

Clark A. Hedrick
Website: https://www.clarkhedrick.com/

Donielle M. Scherff
Website: n/a

Keven J. Leblanc, Jr.
Website: https://www.keven4herndon.com/

Naila Alam
Website: https://www.nailaforherndon.com/

Pradip Dhakal
Website: n/a

Roland B. Taylor
Website: http://www.taylor4herndon.com/

Signe V. Friedrichs
Website: http://signeforherndon.com/

Stevan M. Porter
Website: https://www.porter4herndon.com/

Fauquier County School Board

Vote 1

Joshua M. Erdossy
Website: n/a

M. Clay Campbell
Website: n/a

Fauquier County Remington Mayor

Vote 1

Devada R. Allison, Jr.
Website: n/a

William Elwood Polk, Jr.
Website: n/a

Fauquier County Warrenton Mayor

Vote 1

H.E. Carter Nevill
Website: https://www.facebook.com/CarterforWarrenton/

Renard J. Carlos
Website: n/a

Fauquier County Warrenton Council: At-Large

Vote 2

David A. McGuire
Website: https://mcguireforvirginia.com/

Paul W. Mooney
Website: n/a

Fauquier County The Plains Council

Vote 3

Heidi H. Van Voorhis
Website: http://www.votevanvoorhis.com/

Joyce W. Heflin
Website: n/a

Noah J. Portugal
Website: n/a

Fauquier County Remington Council

Vote 6

Luann Dawn Myatt
Website: n/a

Morgan Butler Lewis
Website: n/a

Richard K. Moxley
Website: n/a

Richard L. Heflin, Jr.
Website: n/a

Stanley L. Heaney, Sr.
Website: n/a

Susan L. Tiffany
Website: n/a

Van M. Loving
Website: n/a

Veronica L. Meadows
Website: n/a

Frederick County Middletown Council

Vote 3

Carole S. Snyder Jones
Website: n/a

Daniel S. Fink
Website: n/a

Jeffrey H.Pennington
Website: n/a

Frederick County Stephens City Council

Vote 3

Linden A. Fravel, III
Website: n/a

Linden A. Fravel, Jr.
Website: n/a

Regina Swygert-Smith
Website: n/a

Frederick County Town Hall Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall the Town of Stephens City contract a debt, borrow money, and issue its general obligation bond(s) in the maximum aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2,460,000 for the purposes of providing funds to construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, and equip various improvements to the Town's Old Stephens City School property for use as a Town Hall and community use and to pay costs of issuing the bond(s)?

Loudoun County Broad Run School Board

Vote 1

Andrew Thomas Hoyler
Website: https://votehoyler.com/

Tiffany L. Polifko
Website: https://tiffanyforbroadrun.com/

Nicholas R. Gothard
Website: https://www.nickgothard.com/

Loudoun County Leesburg School Board

Vote 1

Erika R. Ogedegbe
Website: https://erikaforloudoun.com/

Lauren E. Shernoff
Website: https://www.laurenforleesburg.com/

Michael A. Rivera
Website: https://riveraforschools.com/

Loudoun County Hamilton Mayor

Vote 1

Brian J. Daskalovitz
Website: n/a

Kenneth C. Wine
Website: n/a

Vaughn W. Stanford
Website: https://www.votestanford.com/about.html

Loudoun County Leesburg Mayor

Vote 1

C.B. "Kelly" Burk
Website: https://www.kellyburkformayor.com/

Suzanne D. Fox
Website: https://www.suzannefoxforleesburgmayor.com/

Loudoun County Purcellville Mayor

Vote 1

Joel D. Grewe
Website: http://www.joelgrewe.com/

Stanley J. "Stan" Milan, Sr.
Website: n/a

Loudoun County Hamilton Town Council

Vote 3

Amy Barden
Website: n/a

Catherine E. "Cathy" Salter
Website: n/a

Craig M. Green
Website: n/a

Elena M. Boras
Website: n/a

Rebecca A. Jones
Website: https://www.electrebeccajones.com/

Loudoun County Leesburg Council

Vote 3

Colin N. Doniger
Website: n/a

John W. Spence
Website: n/a

Neil R. Steinberg
Website: https://forsteinberg.com/

Patrick J. Wilt
Website: n/a

Todd A. Cimino-Johnson
Website: https://www.toddforleesburg.com/

Loudoun County Lovettsville Town Council

Vote 3

Brandon A. Davis
Website: n/a

Jennifer K. Reed
Website: n/a

Robert M. "Bobby" Merhaut
Website: n/a

Loudoun County Purcellville Town Council

Vote 3

Caleb J. Stought
Website: n/a

Carol A. Luke
Website: n/a

Erin K. Rayner
Website: https://www.erinrayner.com/

M.F. "Tip" Stinnette
Website: n/a

Mary F. "Boo" Bennett
Website: n/a

Ronald B. Rise, Jr.
Website: n/a

Loudoun County School Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of $268,244,000 to finance, in whole or in part, the design, construction, equipping and other costs of HS-14 Dulles North High School, School Security Improvements, Valley Service Center Traffic Signal, Park View HS Renovation/Replacement, and LCPS Facility Renewals and Alterations; and the costs of other public school facilities as requested by the Loudoun County School Board?

Loudoun County Facility Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of $74,714,000 to finance, in whole or in part, the design, construction, equipping and other costs of Fire and Rescue Station #04-Round Hill Station Replacement, and the costs of other public safety facilities approved in the
County's Capital Improvement Program; and Western Loudoun Recreation Center, and the costs of other public park, recreational and community center projects approved in the County's Capital Improvement Program?

Loudoun County Transportation Bonds Question

Vote 1


Shall the County of Loudoun, Virginia contract a debt and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of $51,314,000 to finance, in whole or in part, the design, construction and other costs of the following transportation improvements: Crosstrail Boulevard Segment C (Sycolin Road to Dulles Greenway), a roundabout at Route 15 and Braddock Road, a roundabout at Route 50 and Everfield Drive, Route 7 Improvements Phase 2 (Route 7 & Route 690 Interchange), Route 7 Improvements Phase 3 (Route 9 & Dulles Greenway, Segment 2), an overpass across Sterling Boulevard at the W&OD Trail, and the costs of other public road and transportation projects approved in the County's Capital Improvement Program?

Manassas City Council

Vote 3

Dheeraj "DJ" Jagadev
Website: http://dheerajformanassas.com/

Ralph J. Smith
Website: https://www.ralphjsmith.org/

Sonia R. Vasquez Luna
Website: https://www.soniavasquezluna.com/

Lynn Forkell Greene
Website: https://lynnformanassascity.com/

R.E. "Rick" Bookwalter
Website: https://www.rick4manassas.com/

Theresa Coates Ellis
Website: https://theresacoatesellis.com/

Manassas City School Board

Vote 3

Abraham A. "Alex" Iqbal
Website: n/a

Jill M. Spall
Website: https://jill-spall-for-manassas-city.square.site/

Lisa Anne Stevens
Website: https://www.lisa4manassas.com/

Melony M. "Mel" Kent
Website: https://www.kent4manassas.com/

Samuel S. Gross
Website: https://www.facebook.com/samgross11101775/

Sara J. Brescia
Website: https://www.bresciaforschoolboard.com/

Manassas Park Council

Vote 3

Alanna M. Mensing
Website: http://www.alannamensing.com/

Haseeb Javed
Website: n/a

Michael Carrera
Website: n/a

Orange County Gordonsville Council

Vote 2

James L. "Jim" Bradley
Website: n/a

Ronald E. Brooks, III
Website: n/a

Orange County Council

Vote 3

Donna E. Waugh-Robinson
Website: n/a

Elliott A. Fox, Jr.
Website: n/a

Jason R. Cashell
Website: https://cashellandpentfororange.org/

Jeremiah V. Pent
Website: https://cashellandpentfororange.org/

Timothy J. Bosford, Jr.
Website: n/a

Page County Luray Council

Vote 3

J. "Alex" White, III
Website: n/a

Jeremy B. Hilliard
Website: https://votehilliard.com/

Ronald C. Vickers
Website: n/a

Stephanie L. Lillard
Website: n/a

Page County Shenandoah Council

Vote 3

Brenda T. Haggett
Website: n/a

Denise R. Meadows
Website: n/a

Lynn E. Fox
Website: n/a

William L. Kite
Website: n/a

Page County Stanley Council

Vote 3

Bruce W. Stoneberger
Website: n/a

Douglas L. Purdham
Website: n/a

Duane E. Layman
Website: n/a

Prince William County Dumfries Mayor

Vote 1

Derrick R. Wood
Website: https://derrickwood.com/

Ebony E. Lofton
Website: https://voteforebonylofton.com/

Prince William County Dumfries Council

Vote 3

Monae S. Nickerson
Website: https://monaenickerson.com/

Selonia B. Miles
Website: n/a

Prince William County Haymarket Council

Vote 6

David Leake
Website: n/a

Joe R. Pasanello
Website: n/a

Mary A. Ramirez
Website: n/a

R. Merchant Schneider
Website: n/a

Robert B. "Bob" Weir
Website: n/a

Tracy Lynn Pater
Website: n/a

Prince William County Occoquan Council

Vote 5

Eliot R. Perkins
Website: n/a

Jenn M. Loges
Website: n/a

Nancy Freeborne Brinton
Website: n/a

Theodore H. Daubresse
Website: n/a

Cindy J. Fithian
Website: n/a

Prince William County Quantico Council

Vote 5

Aaron P. Worsham
Website: n/a

Alice C. Toner
Website: n/a

Brandi M. Maly
Website: n/a

Earlene J. Clinton
Website: n/a

Florence "FoFo" Petkoson
Website: n/a

Jason R. Stoltz
Website: n/a

Nadia Madjid
Website: n/a

Otis Conrad Baker
Website: n/a

Robin Rena Langham
Website: n/a

Russell V. "Rusty" Kuhns
Website: n/a

S. "Steve" Kang
Website: n/a

Sammoto Yomosa Dabney
Website: n/a

Shannon N. Wilson
Website: n/a

Todd D. Zirkle
Website: n/a

Rappahannock County Council
Vote 5

Bradley C. Schneider
Website: n/a

Fred F. Catlin
Website: n/a

Jean F. Goodine
Website: n/a

John A. "Drew" Beard
Website: n/a

Patrick J. O'Connell
Website: n/a

Shenandoah County Edinburg Council

Vote 3

Bradley M. Dellinger
Website: n/a

Fay Miller Wymer-Hollar
Website: n/a

Steven D. Wood
Website: n/a

Steven W. Crisman
Website: n/a

Shenandoah County Mount Jackson Council

Vote 3 

Bonnie S. Good
Website: n/a

Judy L. Fultz
Website: n/a

W. Todd Holtzman
Website: n/a

Shenandoah County New Market Council

Vote 3

Daryl Myron Watkins
Website: n/a

Janice M. Hannah
Website: n/a

Peggy L. Harkness
Website: n/a

Shenandoah County Edinburg Council: Special

Vote 2

Clyde S. Beachy
Website: n/a

Joan M. Reisteter
Website: n/a

Shenandoah County Strasburg Council

Vote 4

A.D. Carter, IV
Website: n/a

Andrew C. Lowder
Website: n/a

Emily L. Reynolds
Website: n/a

H. Brad Stover
Website: n/a

Taralyn F. Nicholson
Website: n/a

Shenandoah County Woodstock Council

Vote 3

A. Paje Cross
Website: n/a

Frank H. Haun
Website: n/a

Stephen D. Heishman
Website: n/a

Staunton City Council

Vote 3

Alice L. Woods
Website: https://www.facebook.com/alice4stauntoncitycouncil/

Brad D. Arrowood
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082330451295

Erik D. Curren
Website: https://erikcurren.com/

Michele D. Edwards
Website: http://www.edwards4staunton.com/

Ted W. Lawhorn
Website: n/a

Yvonne R. Wilson
Website: n/a

Staunton City School Board

Vote 3

Fontella L. Brown-Bundy
Website: https://m.facebook.com/people/BrownBundy-for-Staunton-City-School-Board

John T. Wilson
Website: https://www.facebook.com/JohnTWilsonforSCS

Kristin M. Siegel
Website: https://www.facebook.com/siegel4stauntonschools/

Lisa Blackburn Hatter
Website: n/a

Stephanie E. Mason
Website: n/a

Warren County Front Royal Council

Vote 3

Amber Faith Morris
Website: https://www.facebook.com/morrisfortowncounsel/

H. Bruce Rappaport
Website: n/a

Joshua L. Ingram
Website: n/a

Zachary W. Jackson
Website: n/a

Warren County Front Royal Council: Special
Vote 1

Nicholas L. Jaroma
Website: n/a

Gene M. Kirby
Website: n/a

R. Wayne Sealock
Website: n/a

Winchester Council, Ward 1

Vote 1

Richard S. Bell
Website: https://friendsofrichardbell.com/

Brandon Wainwright Pifer
Website: n/a

Winchester Council, Ward 2

Vote 1

Evan H. Clark
Website: n/a

Emily Rose DeAngelis
Website: https://electemily2.wixsite.com/

Winchester Council, Ward 3

Vote 1

Kim M. Herbstritt
Website: n/a

Winchester Council, Ward 4

Vote 1

Madelyn "Mady" Rodriguez
Website: n/a

Kathy S. Tagnesi
Website: https://citizensforkathytagnesi.com/

Winchester School Board: At-Large

Vote 2

Kate A. Christen
Website: n/a

Melissa A. Harris
Website: https://melissaharris7.wixsite.com/schoolboard-1

Stuart A. Eiland
Website: n/a

Winchester School Board, Ward 4

Vote 1

Bryan R. Pearce-Gonzales
Website: n/a

MacArthur Wainwright Payne
Website: n/a

WATCH: Just after polls closed in both the district and the commonwealth - WUSA9 is live with area campaigns as the totals roll in. 

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