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Verify: Deadly perfume cases & preempted Elementary show


Have several women died after inhaling a free perfume ample that was mailed to them? 


We can verify this is false and the fake story has actually been around since 2001.


Shelia Proctor sent the following to our Facebook page saying it was sent to her: 

"Very important...Urgent news from Glen Eagles Hospital

Several women have died after inhaling a free perfume ample that was mailed to them. The government is afraid this might be another terrorist act. They will not announce it in the news because they don't want to create panic. 


Diane J Ford

Office of the Chief of Police Office of Risk Management
101 M street, Southwest, Washington, D.C."

The Metropolitan Police Department does have an office of risk management. They're not investigating deadly perfume cases.

On their website it says, "their work involves conducting research into best practices around employee safety awareness and risk assessment of police activities."

An organizational chart for the DC Government Office of Risk Management lists Jed Ross as the chief risk officer. 

Diane Ford doesn't exist.

Anytime you see a story that says "the government won't announce it in the news" and the sender is a government official should give you a clue something is fishy.

Lastly, the Glen Eagles Hospital is in Singapore.


Will preempted Elementary show air? 


We can verify the new episode of Elementary will air Sunday night at 10 right after a Grammy salute to the music of the Bee Gees. 


Due to the Masters, the program was preempted for the East Coast audience because golf went long. The West Coast got a repeat episode. 


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