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Va. governor wants Confederate flag off license plates

Gov. Terry McAuliffe wants the confederate flag removed from the state's license plates.
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe speaks during a meeting of the National Governors Association at the White House in Washington, DC, February 23, 2015.

ID=27522407RICHMOND, Va. (WUSA9) -- Virginia's governor is the latest lawmaker to call for the removal of the Confederate flag. Gov. Terry McAuliffe wants the confederate flag removed from the state's license plates.

Members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans won a legal battle to display the license plates. Now they're wondering if they have to take to the courts again.

More than 3,000 Confederate soldiers are buried in the Fredericksburg cemetery and 2,000 of them are without a name. There's a monument put up by the Sons of Confederate Veterans honors more whose remains were not only forgotten, but unceremoniously covered over.

"This is where 54 confederate soldiers were buried and covered with asphalt in the parking lot," said Bill West, a descendent of Virginia and Alabama Confederate soldiers. As a card carrying member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, he's one of 1,677 Virginians with a specialty license plate.

Because the license plate feature a Confederate battle flag, Governor McAuliffe wants them gone. He called the symbol "unnecessarily divisive and hurtful."

The Governor's move comes a week after the Supreme Court ruled that Texas is free to reject a specialized license plate featuring a Confederate Flag. Governor McAuliffe says Virginia will not only stop using the plates, but replace those already on the road.

Gov. McAuliffe talked about the flag during an event in Richmond on Tuesday. He said that even though the flag is not flown on Capitol Square, "even its display on state issued license tags is, in my view, unnecessarily divisive and hurtful to too many of our people."

Many shoppers along Fredericksburg's historic shopping district were divided or did not want to give an opinion. One woman gave McAuliffe a thumbs for his decision by saying "I think it's the right thing to do...it's now a racist symbol."

Dale Hundley's great-great grandfather and his brother fought in the Battle of Fredericksburg. He had a SCV specialty plate for a long time and says he was proud to display it.

"The SCV is a heritage organization. If any racist even tried to apply, they're never get in," said Hundley.

He says the soldier's battle flag has been misconstrued as a symbol of hate.

"It's an honor to display it," said Hundley.

McAuliffe has ordered Virginia's Secretary of Transportation to develop a plan for replacing the currently-issued plates "as quickly as possible."

His statement was made in response to the tragic shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC and the U.S. Supreme Court's decision declaring that states can restrict license plate designs.

McAuliffe's full statement follows:

"Before I address some very positive developments regarding my administration's continuing efforts to restore the voting rights of Virginians who were former offenders, I wanted to say a couple of words about last week's horrific tragedy at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.

"First and foremost, I want to express, on behalf of all Virginians, our heartfelt sympathies to all members of the Emanuel Church Community, as well as the larger community in the City of Charleston.

"In the days since last week's tragic shooting, the people of Charleston have displayed unparalleled unity and courage, and they have made all Americans proud.

"I also want to commend my colleague, Governor Nikki Haley, for her leadership yesterday in calling for the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag from the state Capitol grounds in Columbia.

"As Governor Haley said yesterday, her state can ill afford to let this symbol continue to divide the people of South Carolina.

"I believe the same is true here in Virginia.

"Although the battle flag is not flown here on Capitol Square, it has been the subject of considerable controversy, and it divides many of our people.

"Even its display on state issued license tags is, in my view, unnecessarily divisive and hurtful to too many of our people.

"As you all know, I have spent the past 17 months working to build a new Virginia economy that is more open and welcoming to everyone. Removing this symbol from our state-issued license plates will be another step toward realizing that goal.

"While it is true that legislation passed by the General Assembly in 1999 requires specialty license plates for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the legislation specifically attempted to prevent the Confederate emblem from being part of the design. Federal court decisions, however, required DMV to allow the emblem in the design.

"Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could indeed prevent the confederate emblem from being placed on their license plates, directly contradicting the prior court rulings in Virginia. Accordingly, I have directed the following actions to remove the Confederate emblem from state-issued license plates.

"First, this morning I asked the Attorney General's office to take steps to reverse the prior Court ruling that requires the Confederate flag be placed on state license plates.

"Second, I have directed Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne to develop a plan for replacing the currently-issued plates as quickly as possible.

"These steps will, I hope, make clear that this Commonwealth does not support the display of the Confederate battle flag or the message it sends to the rest of the world."

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia voiced his support for the governor's move. He said in a written statement:

"I support Governor McAuliffe's call to remove the Confederate battle flag from state-issued Virginia license plates. The use of the flag by public bodies is integrally connected to celebration of the cause of the Confederacy, which is inimical to American values. With the Supreme Court's decision last week in Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Inc., prior court rulings in Virginia that have protected the use of the emblem on license plates are now obsolete. This is the right call for the Commonwealth and I commend the Governor for his leadership on this issue."

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