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Prince Willian County Fire and Ems assisting victims of 'Helene' in southwest VA

Rescue units continue searches for missing people after the temporale hit north.

DAMASCUS, Va. — Prince William County Fire and Rescue teams are assisting victims of Hurricane Helen in southwestern Virginia. The mission started Thursday, and their objective is to help find missing people in the area that borders North Carolina.

Credit: Prince William County Fire and Ems

Rescue Swift Water units were deployed Saturday to Damascus, where rainfall has dramatically affected the town. As of now, this squad reports five rescues. In due course, the team is expected to return to the area of Chesnut Mountain Road to also survey people and gather information on needed resources to assist the community after the devastation.

“The team is doing well and staying focused on their mission,” said Jonathan Moore, Battalion Chief.

Credit: Prince William County Fire and Ems

Hours before arriving in Damascus, the team monitored Norton, where the team was reassigned to Washington County.

The remnants of Helene are sustained in southwest Virginia, and the team is quickly responding to these emergencies as they can.

Credit: Prince William County Fire and Ems

“I am extremely proud of the team in their efforts to support citizens throughout the Commonwealth,” stated Tom LaBelle, Prince William County Fire and Rescue System Chief.

The Prince William County’s Swift Water Rescue Team was activated by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) earlier this week. The FEMA Type 3 team includes Swift Water Technicians, Swift Water Boat Operators, and a Battalion Chief to coordinate and oversee the mission in conjunction with VDEM.

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