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Donate to help local schools in DC, Maryland and Virginia

Help make a difference for the students at the schools in your community!

WASHINGTON -- School is in full swing, but we need your help to raise money for some different school supplies to help area students reach their full potential.

Student need things like hygiene kits, books, uniforms and instruments to make their lives a little better.

We can’t wait to introduce you to the students and their champions at four different schools -- Mario Loiederman and Buck Lodge Middle Schools in Maryland, Kramer Middle School in the District and Francis C. Hammond Middle School in Virginia.

Kramer Middle School

At this school, 80 percent of the students live below the poverty line, 50 to 60 percent of their families are unemployed and 10 percent are homeless. The principal says many of the students have never left the five to six block radius of the school. The students need:

  • Hygiene kits
  • Uniforms
  • Mentors (who can commit for more than 6 months)

If you're interested in mentoring, you can sign up through the United Way. If you'd like to donate, click here. If you would like to buy uniforms, you can call Al from Uniform City at 301-420-4493. You don't even have to go into the store to place your order. If do, it's located at Great Eastern Plaza Mall at 6421 Marlboro Pike District Heights, Mayland 20747.

Mario Loiederman Middle School

This is a performance art based school. About 70 percent of the students live at or below the poverty line. The students need:

  • Hygiene kits
  • Music stands

If you'd like to donate, click here.

Buck Lodge Middle School

The school's motto is "Be a Hero." Ninety-four percent of the students live at or below the poverty rate. These students want to expand their "Hoop House" (greenhouse) into a business. Along with hygiene kits, they need:

  • Hygiene kits
  • Laundry supplies

If you'd like to donate, click here.

Francis C. Hammond Middle School

This school is in one of the wealthiest communities in Northern Virginia, but 80 percent of the students are at or below the poverty line. Last year, the WUSA9 IMPACT team partnered with the community to pack 5,400 meals for hungry students. This year, in addition to hygiene kits, the students need:

  • Hygiene kits
  • 3-inch binders

If you'd like to donate, click here.

The WUSA9 Impact team works with the community to identify an issue and then find the solution. We can't thank you enough for your generosity to our students in our communities!

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