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Survey says Maryland blue crabs are healthy

Despite unusually cold weather this year that killed off an estimated 35 percent of adult female crabs, the population of blue crabs remains healthy and sustainable.
Credit: JIM WATSON, AFP/Getty Images
Maryland Blue Crabs rest in a basket a the Crab Claw restaurant, a local favorite in St. Michaels, Maryland, 02 August, 2007. St. Michaels is where US Pop star Michael Jackson reportedly stayed as he looked for real estate in the area in June 2007. After US Vice President Dick Cheney, who owns property in St. Michaels, declared the area a "no fly zone", celebrities, such as actress Julia Roberts and talk-show host Oprah Winfrey, have been interested in buying property in the town to avoid photographers using helicopters. AFP PHOTO/Jim WATSON (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

Md. (WUSA9) — Md. (WUSA9) - The population of area blue crabs is healthy and sustainable, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

The department released the new survey Monday.

“Despite the cold, hard winter, which extended well into the spring, the blue crab population remains healthy, resilient and sustainable,” Maryland Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton said. “Even with the erratic weather, which included snow in April, the blue crab population remains well within parameters, showing that the state and our partners are managing the species well.”

Researchers base their findings on the annual winter dredge survey.

Biologists record and release blue crabs at 1,500 sites throughout Chesapeake Bay from December through March.

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