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Loudoun Co. investigators find 5 dead dogs and 19 others in 'deplorable conditions' inside Middleburg home

Animal services seized the dogs and five cats. Investigation into criminal charges has begun.

MIDDLEBURG, Va. — In Loudoun County, Animal Services officers are investigating a case of serious animal neglect in Middleburg.

Last week, animal services officers found 25 dogs and cats in life-threatening and unhealthy conditions, as well as the bodies of five dead dogs at a residence off Sam Fred Road.

Animal Services got a tip that a dog breeding and boarding facility kept dogs and cats in unsafe and unsanitary conditions.

“What we found was honestly devastating,” Nina Stively, director of Animal Services, said.

Officers found 19 dogs and five cats inside the home. Even more shocking, the found the bodies of five dead dogs in and around the house.

“The environment was extremely unsanitary, it was unsafe, there animals who had been confined for prolonged periods of time,” Stively said.

Animal Services have taken all the animals in but could only show WUSA9 one of the dogs. Stively brought a malnourished 3-year-old Australian Shepherd named Major. His hind quarters had missing fur and he looked bone thin.

“If you put your hands on Major, you’re able to feel every space in between his spinal bones,” She pointed out. “You can see the points on the back of his hips.”

We wanted more answers, so we went to the home. According to Loudoun County investigators, this home operated as: White Columns Australian Shepherds. A tipster told Animak Services it acts as a breeding and boarding facility.

However, the county said they have no record of a permit for breeding or zoning for boarding.

When we went to the door, a woman came outside who did not identify herself and said she had no comment but was aware of the serious allegations.

“This is not I or my family involved,” the woman said. “I would like to speak to you at another time.”

She said she was going to work to get the animals back, then she went back inside.

Loudoun County said they’ve not filed criminal charges, but the investigation is ongoing. There is a court date, essentially a custody hearing for the animals Wednesday in District Court at 10 a.m.

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