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Former White House staff member remembers Bush 41

A former White House staff member, who worked closely with former President George H. W. Bush, shares special memories as others remember his life and legacy.

WASHINGTON -- A former White House staff member, who worked closely with former President George H. W. Bush, shares special memories as others remember his life and legacy.

When Kristin Clark Taylor, who helped launch USA Today in 1982, left the newspaper for the White House, it was a new world.

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"Every time I walked into the Oval Office, and I was there for years, not once did I take any moment for granted," said Taylor, filled with gratitude during a moment of deep reflection.

Taylor, an accomplished author and freelance journalist, worked as a press officer for Bush 41 during his vice presidency.

When he became president, she was named White House Director of Media Relations making her the first African American woman to hold that post.

"I knew that I was making not a large part of history by any means, but I was setting a precedent for others who'd come after me," said Taylor .

Bush 41 and Taylor had a lot of respect for one another. He was her mentor and friend. When she learned of his passing, she found comfort in warm memories .

In 1987 at a staff picnic, Taylor's son was just under a year old when he met Bush at a staff picnic. The then-Vice President gave her son a "horsy" ride on his shoulders.

Unbeknownst to him, her son's tummy was filled with hotdogs, fruit punch and a plethora of fatty foods that he was not used to. It was all part of the fun.

"As I saw him on the vice president's shoulders, I could also see his little tiny cheeks beginning to inflate, and I thought 'lord, no'," she said. "Everything came up."

That's right. Her little one threw up all over him. He was not angry, just surprised, she laughed. He was a dad and understood that children get sick.

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Bush and Taylor's friendship blossomed during her time at the White House and even more after her mother died. Her mom had a chance to meet him months before.

"He was filled with empathy and sympathy when he needed it" she said, very softly. " When I needed it." It meant the world to her.

In a tribute she wrote for the Washington Post, she spoke of how Bush sent a condolence letter to her father and donated to a charity set up in her mother’s name.

"I think most people who never even met him, knew him to be that compassionate, kind and caring man."

Taylor last saw Bush a few years ago during a visit to Houston. His memory was sharp. The two talked about their time at the White House. He gave her a big hug before she left.

It was the last time she ever saw him, but his legacy lives on in her heart.

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