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Fairfax board hires outside look into fire department

<p>Fairfax County fire trucks</p>

FAIRFAX, Va. (WUSA9) -- The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to hire an outside company to examine the working environment within the Fire and Rescue Department after a series of sexual harassment complaints within the department.

Last week, Guy Morgan, who runs the department's office of professional standards, was placed on leave after lewd posts were discovered on his Facebook feed.

The directive comes after a WUSA9 investigation into complaints about sexual harassment in the department.

RELATED: Fairfax fire official placed on leave after lewd images discovered on Facebook

The full statement from the board of supervisors is below:

The Board of Supervisors directs the County Executive to retain an outside third party consultant to assess the working environment within the Fire and Rescue Department, focusing on Equal Employment issues, workforce morale, mental health assistance, and communication issues. County staff will develop a more formal scope of work for this study. Fire and Rescue Chief Richie Bowers fully supports this initiative.

The action comes weeks after the suicide of Nicole MIttendorf, and the apparent sexual harassment directed toward her by other firefighters

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