WASHINGTON — Two pediatric cancer survivors and the mother of a former cancer patient are on a mission to donate socks to children battling cancer at several children's hospitals in the DMV area.
Hudson Gatton, a Lymphoblastic Leukemia survivor; Micah, a Neuroblastoma and Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome survivor in remission and Kirsten Payne, the mother of 2-year-old Kynslee Payne, who lost her fight after being diagnosed with Large B Cell Lymphoma want to spread positivity with the donation of design fun, non-slip socks.
"I want to continue to put a smile on the faces of other kids that may be going through some of their hardest times," Kirsten said.
But the even bigger news is that people like Hudson, Micah, and Kirsten are apart of an initiative led by Resilience Gives' Socks that has set a goal to donate 10,000 pairs of non-slip socks to children in hospitals across the country. The initiative Resilience Gives' Socks has also teamed up with dozens of other families of other pediatric cancer survivors from across the country to donate socks and spreading a message of hope to families of patients battling cancer.
And the trio, Hudson, Micah and Kirsten will each be delivering socks to Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, Children's National Hospital and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in the DMV area.
According to Resilience Gives, over 15,000 children between the ages of 0-19 are diagnosed with cancer in the United States every year.
The organization's initiative was started by a cancer patient who was frustrated with the poorly made hospital socks. Now they have reached the hearts of many battling the cancer fight.
For every pair of socks sold by Resilience Gives' Socks, a pair is donated to a child in the hospital. For more information, click here.