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Metro train operator fired after running red light

A Metro train enters the Farragut North station in Washington, DC, on May 6, 2016. / AFP / NICHOLAS KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

A train operator has been fired after a “red signal overrun”, Metro officials confirmed Wednesday.

Metro GM Paul J. Wiedefeld released the following letter:

I want you to be aware that we have taken another administrative action on a red signal incident. On July 27th, a signal was overrun as a train departed National Airport Station. The Safety Department determined that the cause was train operator error and is continuing the investigation. For reasons related to the individual’s personnel history, the operator’s employment has been terminated.

Bus and train operators are among the most safety-critical jobs at Metro. The wellbeing of our passengers and employees is in your hands. Our workforce operates many thousands of bus and train trips safely every day, and we have many, many employees who we celebrate for achieving millions of miles of safe service every year. I know these cases of rules violations are exceptions, but please see them as I do – not just as a reminder of what it means to be accountable, but also of the importance of maintaining situational awareness, rules compliance, and avoiding bad habits that can creep into repetitive work.

Your safety, and all our safety, is riding on it.


Paul J. Wiedefeld

General Manager/CEO

We will have more as information becomes available.

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