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Hundreds gather for vigil outside the Russian Embassy

Friday marked one year since the start of the war in Ukraine.

WASHINGTON — Hundreds of people gathered outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington D.C. Friday night to recognize the one-year mark of the war in Ukraine.

They held candles as they sang together. The colors blue and yellow were projected on to the outside of the Embassy in Boris Nemtsov Plaza on Wisconsin Avenue in Northwest.

People from all over, including both Russia and Ukraine stood together in a show of solidarity.

"We have never been this united. We have never felt the support of the world behind us like we feel today," shouted one of the speakers to the crowd.

"The Russians are killing Ukrainians they're killing maiming torturing trying to obliterate our country," said Roman Yasinksy.

For many in the crowd the mood was somber.

"How can you live in peace when that is going on," said Marina Dewees. She told WUSA9 she had family in both Ukraine and Russia.

"The war just cuts through my life, the lives of my family. It's the worst year of my life and worst thing I could ever picture happen to us," said Dewees.

She and many of the others in attendance called for more support for Ukraine.

"Ukraine is fighting for democracy not only for themselves but the entire world," said Yasinksy.

"Russia is fascist country now we should stop them Ukraine is just the first," Vladimir Sonsev.

"It's absolutely crucial that we stand with Ukraine. If this war is not stopped now it will expand years later," added Dewees.

Another vigil and rally is scheduled for Saturday, February 25th at 2:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Memorial.

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