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Trayon White and Kenyan McDuffie vote 'present' as DC Council disbands committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs

DC Council plans to establish a sub-committee that will be chaired by Councilmember Zachary Parker.

WASHINGTON — The DC Council voted on an emergency measure Tuesday that will eliminate a committee that Councilmember Trayon White is chair of and redistribute it. This comes after White was arrested on federal bribery charges.

White was arrested last month and is accused of using his position to pressure government agencies to renew lucrative public safety contracts in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars in cash and the promise of further kickbacks. Court documents say that ultimately, White agreed to receive approximately $156,000 and accepted $35,000 between four cash payments.

The Committee on Recreation, Libraries and Youth affairs was eliminated Tuesday. However, DC Council plans to establish a sub-committee that will be chaired by Councilmember Zachary Parker. 

The emergency measure passed unanimously, minus White and Councilman Kenyan McDuffie who both voted "present."

According to the indictment, White met up with a confidential source in July and the pair came to an agreement that White would receive a 3% kickback of each grant awarded to the unnamed company for his efforts to pressure ONSE and the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS).

Officials allege the two discussed the value of contracts for mental health services, with White estimating could be worth $15 to $20 million.

“That s*** aint going nowhere, bro… that s*** is a cash cow,” White is quoted as saying the court documents in regards to DYRS and Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) contracts.

On Thursday, White pleaded not guilty to bribery and says he will continue his run for re-election. 

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