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Antifa protesters chant, use bull horn outside Fox's Tucker Carlson's home in DC

Around 20 protesters stood outside of Carlson's house located in Northwest D.C. around 6:30 p.m. chanting loudly and using a bullhorn directly in front of the home.

WASHINGTON -- A large group of Antifa protesters gathered together and chanted loudly outside of Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson's home Wednesday evening, D.C. police said.

Around 20 protesters stood outside of Carlson's house located in Northwest D.C. around 6:30 p.m. chanting loudly and using a bullhorn directly in front of the home.

Carlson's wife, Susie Carlson, told police she heard a loud banging and pounding on her front door. When she went to look outside, she spotted a large group of people outside. She then went to a room in the back of the house and called police.

The anti-fascists group, possibly associated with Smash Racism D.C., chanted "Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night" outside of Carlson's Washington home, according to Fox News. In a video posted online, the group can also be heard saying, "Racist scumbag, leave town!"

When officers got to the house, they found about 20 people protesting. An anarchy symbol had been sprayed in their driveway and signs had been put on top of cars parked in front of the house. Another sign was placed on the front door of the house. Police said the signs made reference to Carlson's political affiliation.

The host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" said the group broke his oak door and one person mentioned a pipe bomb, as heard on a security video.

“Here’s the problem, I have four children,” he told Fox. “I never thought twice about leaving them home alone, but this is the reaction because this group doesn’t like my TV show.”

Smash Racism D.C., posted Carlson's family address on Twitter in a now-deleted post, The Daily Caller reports. Carlson told Fox the home addresses of his brother and his former college roommate, Neil Patel, who co-founded "The Daily Caller" with him, were also made public.

The group's Twitter account was suspended as of Thursday morning.

On Thursday, no one answered the door at Carlson's home for comment. Neighbors and area residents WUSA9 spoke to all agreed protesters should not be targeting the homes and families of public figures.

"I don’t agree with it," said Franco Giacomangeli, who works in Carlson's neighborhood and lives in Arlington. "I have no problem with people protesting, but they shouldn’t go to someone’s private residence and literally scare someone into hiding. It’s just wrong."

Janie Drohan was walking her dog nearby. She also felt protesters should stay away from private residences, but said she believes this type of behavior is a reaction to President Trump's rhetoric.

"I think civility is an ever decreasing quality in our life," she explained. "And I think it starts at the top with Trump."

There was still an "anarchy symbol" spray painted on Carlson's driveway as of Thursday afternoon.

DC Police called the incident outside Carlson's home a "suspected hate crime," and told WUSA9 they are still investigating.

The following statement was released by the Metropolitan Police Department:

“We welcome those who come here to exercise their First Amendment rights in a safe and peaceful manner; however, we prohibit them from breaking the law. Last night, a group of protestors broke the law by defacing private property at a Northwest, DC residence. MPD takes these violations seriously, and we will work to hold those accountable for their unlawful actions. There is currently an open criminal investigation regarding this matter.”

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