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Relisha Rudd mom's no-contact order with grandmother

A judge has extended the protection order against Relisha Rudd's mother.
A judge Monday issued a yearlong civil protection order against Relisha Rudd’s mother. Shamika Young

WASHINGTON (WUSA9) -- A judge Monday issued a yearlong civil protection order against Relisha Rudd's mother.

Eight-year-old Relisha has not been seen since March 1st.

There was already a temporary order against Relisha's mother, Shamika Young, and the new order extends the directive to not get within 100 feet of Relisha's grandmother.

Shamika Young agreed to the order, but did not admit to the grandmother's claim of assault that prompted the grandmother to request it.

"I'm not worried about it." Shamika Young said after the court ruling. "I like it like this."

Reading the protection order outside court , Shamika Young said she did not have any comment for the media.

In documents filed two weeks ago Melissa Young , Relisha's grandmother claims that her daughter, Shamika, "physically assaulted me with the help of" two other family members,'

Shamika Young, Relisha's mother, is the daughter of Melissa Young.

WUSA9 is not naming the others the grandmother named in the alleged assault because the judge did not identify them in the protection order.

The grandmother claims the assault occurred May 17th, at approximately 8:00 pm at 1900 Massachusetts Ave SE, which is the address of the DC homeless shelter.

The civil protection order, issued in District Superior Court, orders that in addition to staying 100 feet away from her mother, Shamika Young must not telephone, write, text, email, or use any communications via internet media to contact her mother in any manner.

The standard court document notes Relisha's mother "agreed" to the order "without admitting to the allegations."

One of the organizers of a vigil that was held the night of the alleged attack is the man who runs a Relisha Rudd Internet radio show.

Host Keith Warren says he saw the disturbance and that Relisha's mother did not attack the grandmother.

He said he expects Shamika to tell a very different version of events on an upcoming show.

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