WASHINGTON — A Shaw street corner is filled with Go-Go music once again after complaints from some residents briefly forced a phone store to turn off their speakers.
The T-Mobile and Metro PCS at the corner 7th Street and Florida Avenue has played Go-Go music outside for decades.
Local residents believe Go-Go is part of D.C.'s identity, and blamed gentrification for the dilution of its culture — including the complaints of the loud Go-Go music.
The funky sub-genre of music was pioneered by Chuck Brown in D.C., and relies on funk, blues, soul and salsa. After hearing of the complaints, many D.C. community members rallied and said the music should remain playing.
Following the #DontMuteDC protest, John Legere, T-Mobile's CEO, took to Twitter stating the music will "go on," and that the dealer will work with the neighbors to compromise music volume.
Additionally, a change.org petition was created to "bring back the music." Community members took to social media in protest of the noise complaints.
"Go-go is the soul and heartbeat of Washington, and we refuse to be silent as gentrifiers malign, assault and attempt to erase this culture. #DontMuteDC," the petition said.
Muriel Bowser, D.C.'s mayor, sided with the #DontMuteDC movement, and shared the petition.
Now, the music is back on that Shaw neighborhood street corner. And community members are happy with the outcome.