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Classes may be delayed by 2 hours on some days in Loudoun Co. to help teachers with training

LCPS says if approved, there would be a 2-hour delay for students on 16 different days throughout the next school year.

LOUDOUN COUNTY, Va. — The Loudoun County school system is considering a delayed start for students, to give teachers time to complete professional development trainings.

Currently, there are three days devoted to countywide professional learning. 

"We are concerned that we don't have sufficient time to, as we've been told by our teachers, to complete existing training requirements. Much less add the number of new training requirements that come along with the new resources for the Virginia Literacy Act, the required training modules for all educators and learning the new standards and preparing for those," said LCPS Superintendent Dr. Aaron Spence.

"We are quite concerned about the amount of training being put on our teachers' plates," said Dr. Spence.

So in order to give teachers the time he says they need to get the training complete, he says they're recommending a 2-hour delay for students on 16 different days during the upcoming school year.

Credit: LCPS

On Tuesday night, the school district's Chief Academic Officer and Chief Human Resources Officer presented the proposal to the school board.

Teachers would still start at their normal time but would use those two hours before the kids arrive, to get the professional development completed.

"We feel this gives us the best possible opportunity to provide that professional learning while minimizing the disruption to learning," said Dr. Spence.

According to the presentation, the 16 days would be on Wednesdays.

"This proposed calendar does not alter student start dates or end dates or affect other work days or holidays," said LCPS Chief Human Resources Officer Lisa Boland.

Concerns were brought up about how this would impact transportation for students and school breakfasts.

"The school nutrition team has already confirmed that they can provide grab-and-go breakfasts on the adjusted arrival days for students who typically receive breakfast at school each day," said Chief Academic Officer Ashley Ellis.

She says they have also confirmed with the LCPS transportation division, that they will plan accordingly for any changes on adjusted arrival days.

"This is a relatively easy pivot as they are used to doing this adjusted arrival on a relatively short notice in the case of inclement weather," said Ellis.

She says there will be no formal feedback opportunity, but they will be collecting and are expecting lots of feedback in the coming days.

"The team is really committed to working through issues parents are going to experience like child care in the mornings. I wish I had answers now but I am committed to working through that and finding potential solutions," said Ellis.

Parents can expect to receive a communication from LCPS on Wednesday morning, with more information and a list of FAQs.

To see the presentation from Tuesday night's school board meeting, click here.

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