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Alexandria police increase patrols at Braddock Road Metro Station

After an increase in incidents of people using guns, police have stepped up patrols and installed new security cameras.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — In an effort to deter crime, the Alexandria Police Department is stepping up patrols and presence, especially at the Braddock Road Metro Station.

Dorian Springs is a daily commuter who has noticed the increase in violent incidents at the Braddock Road Metro Station.

"I've seen a lot of people doing crazy stuff around here," he said.

But Springs has noticed more police officers walking around the area, which he says does give him a sense of relief.

"I feel much better seeing them around more," he explained, "I feel much safer going to work and coming home from work."

Alexandria Police Chief Don Hayes says that isn't a coincidence. His department has put more officers in that specific area, including one officer who now lives at the complex, because of the uptick in the number of people using guns.

Chief Hayes says he's definitely noticed that uptick himself.

"I've been doing this for 42 years, and I've never seen the amount of gun violence that I'm seeing today," he explained. 

In addition to the increased presence, Chief Hayes says they've installed new security cameras after some feedback from members of the community. 

"So if something actually happens, we will have some type of lead to go on," he said. 

Chief Hayes says he himself will be part of the patrols next week because he is committed to figuring out why people in Alexandria are resorting to guns to solve problems and resolve conflict.

"We're not going to just do this for show and then think things are back to normal,"  he said, "we want to find out what the problem is and actually come up with a permanent solution."


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