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Panhandling ordinance repealed by Alexandria City Council

The 1994 ordinance was 'unenforceable' according to city officials.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The Alexandria City Council voted Saturday to strike down a restriction on panhandling. That’s because the city’s attorney's office says the ordinance violates the First Amendment, based on recent court cases.

However, some residents are concerned this could cause an increase that makes them feel unsafe.

The Alexandria City Council voted to repeal an ordinance that bans panhandling and the change comes at a time when when homelessness is on the rise in Alexandria. That's according to last year's homeless count by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

"I understand that some people are looking for help and they need help, I'm not opposed to helping them out,' said tourist Blake Mikesell on King Street.

The 1994 ordinance the city council repealed limits panhandling within 15 feet of an ATM, and bans panhandling using methods that cause fear of injury.

But city officials say the law is unenforceable since a 2015 decision by the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit found that it violates the First Amendment.

Nevertheless, residents are concerned.

"I'm mixed, I mean people do what they got to do, but get a job, you stand all day in the heat – get a job," said Jimmy Prevatte, who lives on King Street and says he sees more panhandling on the median of Duke Street. "Some people are intoxicated or high while doing it, so I believe it is dangerous."

City officials say aggressive solicitation is still illegal under other parts of the city code and panhandling on private property is also banned.

RELATED: Officials say panhandling is a growing problem in Northern Virginia

RELATED: Safety training and permits proposed for panhandlers in Montgomery County. Here's how it would work

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