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ANC Commissioner wants historic Anacostia River swim event canceled

D.C. banned swimming here in the 70s because of the pollution. But, in recent years, sewer upgrades have improved the water quality.

WASHINGTON — Fully understanding what the Anacostia River has to offer can take more than a surface-level appreciation.

"Kayaking, rowing – this waterway is so import to a good quality of life," said Kathy Henderson. "It's one of the nation's treasures."

But would she swim in it? "Absolutely not," said Henderson standing next to the river. 

Swimming is exactly what is planned for this river this Saturday for the first time in more than 50 years.

D.C. banned swimming here in the 70s because of the pollution. But, in recent years, sewer upgrades have improved the water quality.

Now, the Department of Energy and Environment has partnered with the non-profit Anacostia Riverkeeper to hold a one-time permitted swimming event – giving ticket holders 20 minutes to take a dip.

All in celebration of the progress that's been made with this river.

"The health (of the river) is improving but we're not there yet," said Henderson who serves as the ANC for the site of the city-sanctioned event. 

She wants it stopped.

"As an elected representative I have a duty to tell the truth," Henderson said. "I understand your exuberance and joy about the Anacostia and one day the river will be in a condition we can splash and swim in it. Saturday is not that day," she said.

Anacostia Riverkeeprs says in the days leading up to the swim volunteers will be testing the water using EPA standards for E. Coli.

"We analyze water samples using the EPA-approved IDEXX method," Quinn Molner the organization's Director of Operations said in an email. 

Anything below the EPA's threshold "suggests it is safe to swim," Molner wrote. 

"In my opinion, there is no safe level of E. Coli," Henderson, the ANC said. "I would ask the citizens to put health and common sense first and refrain from touching any part of the river with their bodies."

Anacostia Riverkeeper says if the test show E. Coli levels are too high, they will reschedule for later in the month.

In the meantime, swimming here outside of this permitted event is still prohibited.

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