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‘He’s like an old friend’: DC Metro station manager uplifts countless passengers

Maurice Yarber is the Metro station manager at Union Station. His positive attitude influences tourists and locals alike.


Maurice Yarber’s voice can be clearly heard over the noisy rumbling of the Metrorail trains rushing nearby.  

“Have a great day!,” Yarber shouts to one passenger on the platform. “Everybody have a good day!,” he exclaims to the crowd of tourists and locals alike.  

If you are at the red line Metro stop at Union Station in D.C., it’s hard to miss Yarber. He makes his presence known through the countless pairs of headphones passengers use to mute out the rest of the world.  

“It’s like I’ve known him for 100 years,” one passenger visiting from New York with his family said. “He’s like an old friend from high school.”  

Yarber’s responsibilities typically include helping passengers navigate the Metrorail system, from buying tickets to getting directions. 

But he often does much more.  

During one afternoon in September, he told a group of high school students that he wanted to see them all make the honor roll. When a teenager approached him seeking advice, Yarber offered it freely: “You’re the bigger person,” he said.  

It’s clear that those passing by Yarber receive an abundance of love and affection. They certainly get more than is expected from a station manager in a city as bustling as D.C.  

“Whatever way God wants me to help somebody, that’s what I’m here for,” Yarber said.  

But behind Yarber’s glowing personality, there is a story of immense grief. For most of Yarber’s childhood, his father was in and out of prison. And when he was just 16, his dad died. 

“My mother and father always loved me,” Yarber said through tears. “Even though I didn’t spend as much time with either of them as I would have liked, they always loved me.”  

Yarber sees it as his responsibility to carry his parents’ love forward each day he’s on the job.  

“Here at Union Station, you’re going to get a lot of love,” Yarber said. “So be ready for it.”  

Back on the platform, one passenger perfectly summed up the impact of Yarber’s personality.  

“If everyone took that attitude when they work, the world would be a better place.” he said.    

Do you have an idea for WUSA9’s “The Heart of It” series? You can contact Sean Martinelli through email at TheHeartOfIt@WUSA9.com 


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