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Balloon with letter to heaven lands more than 400 miles away

A balloon with a letter to heaven asking for a sign, may have received an answer.
Each year on her father's birthday, Ashlynn Marracino sends a letter to heaven.

A balloon with a letter to heaven asking for a sign, may have received an answer.

Every year since her father Scott died, Ashlynn Marracino writes a birthday note to him in early January and sends it away on a balloon, the Auburn Journal reports.

"Show me a sign please," the letter said. "Anything to let me know you're there. I miss you so much and I want you back."

This year, the balloon traveled 436 miles from Southern Calif., to Auburn, Calif., where Lisa Black-Swisley, the owner of Local Hero's restaurant noticed writing on the balloon.

"Happy Birthday dad, I will always be your little girl dad, don't forget that! I miss you a lot. I know you're with me, but I want you here physically," Marracino's note said.

"At first we couldn't read it because we were tearing up, but I finally read all of it," Black-Swisley told the Auburn Journal. "Ironically, I had literally just finished the book 'Five People You Meet in Heaven,' so it was kind of weird."

Black-Swisley found the teen on Facebook in Southern California and decided she wanted to do something.

She has been posting to the "Pay it Forward in Auburn, CA" Facebook page asking the community to help her compile a care package for the teen,according to the Whittier Daily News.

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