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Tips to stay safe in the sun

Did you apply your SPF today?
Photo courtesy of POND5

McLean, VA (WUSA9) — After an exceptionally cold winter, we all want to finally enjoy the nice weather. But that enjoyment can come at a cost. Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the U.S. Here are tips to stay safe outdoors from Cosmetic Dermatology Center in McLean, Virginia.

  1. Whatever you're applying, apply more. Most people know they need to use sunscreen, but they're applying it insufficiently. In order to be protected, you have to layer it on. The lotion-based sunscreens are typically more potent than the spray. If you're using the spray because it's easier to target those hard-to-reach places, spray multiple times. One quick layer is not strong enough protection in the hot sun.
  2. Don't apply it right before leaving your house. Whether you're heading to the beach or simply running errands, it's best to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before walking out the door. This insures your body has fully absorbed the SPF. But if you're in a rush, applying it before you leave is better than not at all.
  3. Pay attention to the numbers. You may have heard that nothing above SPF 50 is effective. This is simply not true. SPF is calculated by the number of hours you can stay in the sun without getting burned. Although you need to reapply every 45 minutes or so, a higher SPF number insures you're better protected for a longer amount of time.
  4. Get checked at least once a year. As with all cancers, early detection is key for preventing or treating skin cancer. If you notice any new or changed marks on your body, make an appointment with your dermatologist. Make sure you're seeing this doctor at least once a year regardless. More check ups may be necessary if you have a family history of skin cancer.

This article is sponsored by Cosmetic Dermatology Center.

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