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The benefits of Invisalign

Don't hide your smile anymore.
Photo courtesy of POND5.

Rockville, MD (WUSA9) — If you never had braces as a kid and you feel like your teeth could use some straightening, it's not too late. Invisalign aligners get the results you want without the self consciousness from metal braces. Here are advantages of the treatment according to Rochelle Hackley, DDS.

  1. Don't beware of spinach. With metal braces, you'd be fearful of the remnants of a salad getting caught and having to fish them out. With Invisalign, you can remove the aligners while you eat and enjoy your meal with no fear.
  2. Increased comfort. If the idea of metal braces sounds painful, it's because often times they are. Invisalign aligners provide the same strengthening power with virtually no discomfort. No brackets or wires breaking means no emergency trips to your dentist either.
  3. Shorter treatment period. The average treatment for Invisalign is one year. But when the system is combined with Propel accelerated orthodontics, you can achieve your results in nearly half the time.
  4. Improved oral health. With the Invisalign aligners, you can brush and floss normally without any metal braces interfering. Rinse the aligners every night and brush them gently with your toothbrush. The Invisalign cleaning system also helps keep the aligners clear.

This article is sponsored by Rochelle E. Hackley, DDS LLC & Dental Spa.

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