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Let's not jump to conclusions about Tiger Woods | Hear Me Out

Immediately following Tiger Woods' accident, irresponsible rumors and innuendo flew across social media wondering if he was impaired while driving. He wasn't.

WASHINGTON — According to the statement posted to his social media Tuesday night, Tiger Woods is recovering from procedures he underwent following a serious car accident. 

Orthopedic specialists performed extensive surgeries on his lower right leg. There is no word yet on his long-term prognosis, or how this might impact his career, but that’s not important right now. What matters is that he is still here, and I wish him the best going forward.   

Immediately following word of the accident, rumor and innuendo flew across social media, much of it centered around him possibly being impaired. Tiger has had his struggles in the past, but for folks to immediately jump to the conclusion that this is what was happening here was not cool.  

Hear me out.

While thinking something to oneself may be an honest reaction, blasting those thoughts across social media is not. 

Tiger is more than a sports icon. He is a father, a son, and a friend. Those closest to him don’t need to see or hear our wonderings. They have enough to worry them.

 It wasn’t just the public either. CNN sports reporter Andy Scholes said on air that he was not entirely surprised by the accident. Facing criticism for irresponsible journalism he apologized, as he should have. It was irresponsible from all involved.

For the record, the Los Angeles County Sheriff reported that there was no evidence of impairment of any kind. 

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