WASHINGTON — Today’s Most D.C. Thing comes to us from Ed Violette on Facebook. Ed shared with us this Facebook video with a message that cleverly read “GoGo on the GoGo.”
The video’s original poster, Collin Younger Jr., captioned this video with “You say you want both GoGo AND social distancing? PROBLEM SOLVED! Not sure who it was, but THEM BAMMAS WAS CRANKING!! DC ain’t completely gentrified yet!”
This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You don’t have to come to the go-go, the go-go is coming to you!
According to the comments on this video this is Mental Attraction Band. As far as I’m concerned they’re the Genius Band because this was brilliant! You can’t social distance or rep the culture any better than this.
Do you know how good of a musician you have to be to play on the move? You’re one pothole or bad driver away from messing up the whole song. That takes skill, confidence and faith in D.C. to keep the roads nice and paved.
Go see them once outside is fully open again because if they can do this in a trailer, just imagine what they’re capable of on an actual stage!
This is the Most D.C. Thing because how could it not be? You will never see this in any other city on Earth. Even a pandemic can’t stop the #DontMuteDC movement.