WASHINGTON — Today's Most DC Thing comes to us from POPville which posted a picture of a car parked in the middle of the crosswalk at 8th Street and Florida Avenue Northwest with the headline, "Sir, This is not a Covid drive-thru testing site."
No, this is not a testing site. It's also not a parking spot.
Whoever parked this car believes crosswalks are suggestions. Parking can be tough but it's never that serious. Brunch will still be there.
This is the Most DC Thing because I'm sure that we're all thinking the same thing. That ticket is going to be expensive! If you've ever paid a D.C. parking ticket, your wallet is too scared to let you attempt something like this.
It's also the Most DC Thing because this car has Maryland tags. Someone crossed a border to do this. D.C. drivers do a lot of things, but they don't park in the crosswalk. Marylanders we have to hold this L, but don't worry it's only 'til the Final Thought. We can hold our heads up high then, I promise.