ABC aired its Countdown to Nick special on Sunday night, celebrating the new Bachelor, Nick Viall, and teasing some sneak peek footage of his dramatic season! But we noticed something suspect in one of the clips.
WATCH: Bachelor Nick Viall's Sexy Past With One Contestant Revealed: Here's Who He Hooked Up With Before the Show
In a press release sent out in December, the network declared that the final three women would head to Finland with the 36-year-old businessman. In the footage, 31-year-old attorney Rachel is seen cozying up with Viall in the cold. Then, the two cheers "to Finland!"
So, does this mean Rachel makes it to the final three? The Bachelor knows how to keep us guessing, so we can't say for sure. We could just be witnessing Nick and Rachel in an alternate location, getting excited about the possibility of a trip to Finland. Watch to see if the two find love when The Bachelor airs Monday nights on ABC.